PondXpert EasyPond BOX 12000 Pump & Filter Set

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PondXpert EasyPond BOX 12000 Pump & Filter Set

Brand: PondXpert

List Price: N/A

Price Range: £249.99 - £249.99 from 1 retailers


Quick Overview

Be safe in the knowledge that you have everything you need to build your pond project with this set, which pairs a reliable filter pump that pushes a solid particle through to the large filter where waste and debris are collected. The pond filter also sports a powerful UVC, as well as foam filter media...

Be safe in the knowledge that you have everything you need to build your pond project with this set, which pairs a reliable filter pump that pushes a solid particle through to the large filter where waste and debris are collected. The pond filter also sports a powerful UVC, as well as foam filter media and bio balls, ensuring crystal clear pond water. This set contains the following components please click links below for more information• PondXpert UltraFlow 6000 pond pump• PondXpert Filtobox 12000 flow through filter• 5m 16' x 25mm 1" hose• 2 x 25mm 1" clips...Read More...»»

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  • Be safe in the knowledge that you have everything you need to build your pond project with this set, which pairs a reliable filter pump that pushes a solid particle through to the large filter where waste and debris are collected. The pond filter also sports a powerful UVC, as well as foam filter media and bio balls, ensuring crystal clear pond water. This set contains the following components please click links below for more information• PondXpert UltraFlow 6000 pond pump• PondXpert Filtobox 12000 flow through filter• 5m 16' x 25mm 1" hose• 2 x 25mm 1" clips....from Pondkeeper
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