Blagdon All-in-One Treatment (1,000ml)

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Blagdon All-in-One Treatment (1,000ml)

Brand: Blagdon

List Price: N/A

Price Range: £25.99 - £25.99 from 1 retailers


Quick Overview

Use when Mouth and fins appear to be rotting away White cotton wool like growths are visible on the fish The fish flick against solid objects Fish gasp at the surface Appear to be covered in slime or white spots....

Use when Mouth and fins appear to be rotting away White cotton wool like growths are visible on the fish The fish flick against solid objects Fish gasp at the surface Appear to be covered in slime or white spots....Read More...»»

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  • Use when Mouth and fins appear to be rotting away White cotton wool like growths are visible on the fish The fish flick against solid objects Fish gasp at the surface Appear to be covered in slime or white spots.....from Pondkeeper
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