PondXpert MightyMite 1500 Pump

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PondXpert MightyMite 1500 Pump

Brand: PondXpert

List Price: N/A

Price Range: £44.99 - £44.99 from 1 retailers


Quick Overview

The PondXpert MightyMite 1500 is perfect for powering ponds up to 3,000 litres.We love the MightyMite pumps; they are a superb 'hard to find' solids handling filter pump which are perfect for small garden ponds. They are compact pond pumps with a mighty force and mighty low price!Individual Hosetails This...

The PondXpert MightyMite 1500 is perfect for powering ponds up to 3,000 litres.We love the MightyMite pumps; they are a superb 'hard to find' solids handling filter pump which are perfect for small garden ponds. They are compact pond pumps with a mighty force and mighty low price!Individual Hosetails This pump comes with separate hosetails for each size hose, which makes them easy to install and removes the need to trim the hosetail down.Easy Maintenance This pump handle small dirt particles up to 4mm in size.Easy, tool free access Periodic cleaning is easy; simply place your fingers under the cage and gently pull the cage off....Read More...»»

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  • The PondXpert MightyMite 1500 is perfect for powering ponds up to 3,000 litres.We love the MightyMite pumps; they are a superb 'hard to find' solids handling filter pump which are perfect for small garden ponds. They are compact pond pumps with a mighty force and mighty low price!Individual Hosetails This pump comes with separate hosetails for each size hose, which makes them easy to install and removes the need to trim the hosetail down.Easy Maintenance This pump handle small dirt particles up to 4mm in size.Easy, tool free access Periodic cleaning is easy; simply place your fingers under the cage and gently pull the cage off.....from Pondkeeper
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