Fish Mate 700 Pump

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Fish Mate 700 Pump

Brand: Fish Mate

List Price: N/A

Price Range: £34.99 - £34.99 from 1 retailers


Quick Overview

The Fish Mate 700 Pond Pump is ideal for creating a fountain display in a small pond. It can also be used as a feature pump by connecting pond hose to its 12mm outlet. Please note that there is no 'T' piece supplied with this fountain so water can't be sent to more than one place i.e. this pump can be...

The Fish Mate 700 Pond Pump is ideal for creating a fountain display in a small pond. It can also be used as a feature pump by connecting pond hose to its 12mm outlet. Please note that there is no 'T' piece supplied with this fountain so water can't be sent to more than one place i.e. this pump can be run as a fountain pump OR with hose attached to run a small feature. A dial on the side of the pump alows the flow of water to be reduced so you only get the pump flow you require....Read More...»»

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  • The Fish Mate 700 Pond Pump is ideal for creating a fountain display in a small pond. It can also be used as a feature pump by connecting pond hose to its 12mm outlet. Please note that there is no 'T' piece supplied with this fountain so water can't be sent to more than one place i.e. this pump can be run as a fountain pump OR with hose attached to run a small feature. A dial on the side of the pump alows the flow of water to be reduced so you only get the pump flow you require.....from Pondkeeper
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