Draper 16,800lph Pump with Float Switch (SWP280/98914)

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Draper 16,800lph Pump with Float Switch (SWP280/98914)

Brand: Draper

List Price: N/A

Price Range: £149.99 - £149.99 from 1 retailers


Quick Overview

Ideal pond pump for powering large ponds, waterfalls and streams.Low maintenance pump Able to handle solid particles up to 30mm.Ceramic shaft for long life, thermal overload protection and float switch which automatically cuts pump off when water level has dropped. Supplied complete with 20mm diameter...

Ideal pond pump for powering large ponds, waterfalls and streams.Low maintenance pump Able to handle solid particles up to 30mm.Ceramic shaft for long life, thermal overload protection and float switch which automatically cuts pump off when water level has dropped. Supplied complete with 20mm diameter hose adaptor and BS approved non rewireable moulded plug. THIS PUMP IS NOT DESIGNED TO BE RAN CONTINUOUSLY DOING SO WILL INVALIDATE THE WARRANTYNote This pump is not suitable for fish....Read More...»»

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  • Ideal pond pump for powering large ponds, waterfalls and streams.Low maintenance pump Able to handle solid particles up to 30mm.Ceramic shaft for long life, thermal overload protection and float switch which automatically cuts pump off when water level has dropped. Supplied complete with 20mm diameter hose adaptor and BS approved non rewireable moulded plug. THIS PUMP IS NOT DESIGNED TO BE RAN CONTINUOUSLY DOING SO WILL INVALIDATE THE WARRANTYNote This pump is not suitable for fish.....from Pondkeeper
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