Draper 12,000lph Pump with Float Switch (SWP210DW/61667)

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Draper 12,000lph Pump with Float Switch (SWP210DW/61667)

Brand: Draper

List Price: N/A

Price Range: £99.99 - £99.99 from 1 retailers


Quick Overview

These new pond pumps from Draper offer some very attractive features. The powerful 750w motor can push water to a maximum height of 8 meters and it's ability to handle large particles up to 30mm means it will be almost maintenance free. This theme of reliability and durability is enhanced by the ceramic...

These new pond pumps from Draper offer some very attractive features. The powerful 750w motor can push water to a maximum height of 8 meters and it's ability to handle large particles up to 30mm means it will be almost maintenance free. This theme of reliability and durability is enhanced by the ceramic shaft used in the pump's construction. This means it will keep going for longer while the addition of a float switch means the pump will switch itself off if the water level drops too low. THIS PUMP IS NOT DESIGNED TO BE RAN CONTINUOUSLY DOING SO WILL INVALIDATE THE WARRANTYNote This pump is not suitable for fish....Read More...»»

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  • These new pond pumps from Draper offer some very attractive features. The powerful 750w motor can push water to a maximum height of 8 meters and it's ability to handle large particles up to 30mm means it will be almost maintenance free. This theme of reliability and durability is enhanced by the ceramic shaft used in the pump's construction. This means it will keep going for longer while the addition of a float switch means the pump will switch itself off if the water level drops too low. THIS PUMP IS NOT DESIGNED TO BE RAN CONTINUOUSLY DOING SO WILL INVALIDATE THE WARRANTYNote This pump is not suitable for fish.....from Pondkeeper
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