Blagdon Minipond 550i Feature Pump (Indoor)

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Blagdon Minipond 550i Feature Pump (Indoor)

Brand: Blagdon

List Price: N/A

Price Range: £27.49 - £27.49 from 1 retailers


Quick Overview

This feature pump was the lowest priced pump we could find anywhere. It is recommended for indoor use as it is only supplied with a 3m power cable and comes complete with a fitted 3 pin plug. Suitable for use with most water features....

This feature pump was the lowest priced pump we could find anywhere. It is recommended for indoor use as it is only supplied with a 3m power cable and comes complete with a fitted 3 pin plug. Suitable for use with most water features....Read More...»»

No further specification information available

  • This feature pump was the lowest priced pump we could find anywhere. It is recommended for indoor use as it is only supplied with a 3m power cable and comes complete with a fitted 3 pin plug. Suitable for use with most water features.....from Pondkeeper
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