Blagdon Minipond 550 Feature Pump

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Blagdon Minipond 550 Feature Pump

Brand: Blagdon

List Price: N/A

Price Range: £37.99 - £37.99 from 1 retailers


Quick Overview

Popular water feature pump from Blagdon. The Blagdon 550 Feature Pump has a maximum flow rate of 550 litres per hour which is ideal for most garden water features. The flow can be adjusted down to suit your feature and a range of pond hose can be connected. A generous 10m 33' length of power cable is...

Popular water feature pump from Blagdon. The Blagdon 550 Feature Pump has a maximum flow rate of 550 litres per hour which is ideal for most garden water features. The flow can be adjusted down to suit your feature and a range of pond hose can be connected. A generous 10m 33' length of power cable is supplied allowing this pump to be situated a considerable distance away from the mains power supply....Read More...»»

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  • Popular water feature pump from Blagdon. The Blagdon 550 Feature Pump has a maximum flow rate of 550 litres per hour which is ideal for most garden water features. The flow can be adjusted down to suit your feature and a range of pond hose can be connected. A generous 10m 33' length of power cable is supplied allowing this pump to be situated a considerable distance away from the mains power supply.....from Pondkeeper
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