Ubbink Mini Square Planting Basket (11 x 11cm, 3 for 2)

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Ubbink Mini Square Planting Basket (11 x 11cm, 3 for 2)

Brand: Ubbink

List Price: N/A

Price Range: £1.99 - £1.99 from 1 retailers


Quick Overview

ADD QUANTITY '1' TO YOUR ORDER AND YOU WILL RECEIVE 3 BASKETS!!!! The fine mesh allows pond water into the plant roots while preventing the aquatic compost from being washed away....

ADD QUANTITY '1' TO YOUR ORDER AND YOU WILL RECEIVE 3 BASKETS!!!! The fine mesh allows pond water into the plant roots while preventing the aquatic compost from being washed away....Read More...»»

No further specification information available

  • ADD QUANTITY '1' TO YOUR ORDER AND YOU WILL RECEIVE 3 BASKETS!!!! The fine mesh allows pond water into the plant roots while preventing the aquatic compost from being washed away.....from Pondkeeper
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