VT Lava Rock Filter Media (5000ml)

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VT Lava Rock Filter Media (5000ml)

Brand: Velda

List Price: N/A

Price Range: £14.99 - £14.99 from 1 retailers


Quick Overview

The coarse structure of the chemically purified pieces of filter lava makes them particularly suitable as biological filter substrate in all kinds of pond filters. In the many pores of the porous material, many billions of micro organisms will develop, whereby an ideal filtering of the pond water takes...

The coarse structure of the chemically purified pieces of filter lava makes them particularly suitable as biological filter substrate in all kinds of pond filters. In the many pores of the porous material, many billions of micro organisms will develop, whereby an ideal filtering of the pond water takes place....Read More...»»

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  • The coarse structure of the chemically purified pieces of filter lava makes them particularly suitable as biological filter substrate in all kinds of pond filters. In the many pores of the porous material, many billions of micro organisms will develop, whereby an ideal filtering of the pond water takes place.....from Pondkeeper
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