Fish Mate Supra Media

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Fish Mate Supra Media

Brand: Fish Mate

List Price: N/A

Price Range: £9.99 - £9.99 from 1 retailers


Quick Overview

SUPRA has a huge biologically active surface area allowing for super efficient reduction of lethal nitrite and ammonia in pond and aquarium water. This high surface area is vitally important for cultivating the massive populations of beneficial bacteria that are required by modern compact filtration...

SUPRA has a huge biologically active surface area allowing for super efficient reduction of lethal nitrite and ammonia in pond and aquarium water. This high surface area is vitally important for cultivating the massive populations of beneficial bacteria that are required by modern compact filtration systems....Read More...»»

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  • SUPRA has a huge biologically active surface area allowing for super efficient reduction of lethal nitrite and ammonia in pond and aquarium water. This high surface area is vitally important for cultivating the massive populations of beneficial bacteria that are required by modern compact filtration systems.....from Pondkeeper
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