
Evolution Aqua Nexus 220+ Pond Filter

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Evolution Aqua Nexus 220+ Pond Filter

Brand: Evolution Aqua

List Price: N/A

Price Range: £1395.00 - £1395.00 from 1 retailers


Quick Overview

The latest and most advanced koi filter available, part of the award winning Nexus range from Evolution Aqua. Note delivery may take longer than usual as it has to be delivered on a pallet due to the size of the item. Please call us to discuss your order. Please read PDFs below for more information about...

The latest and most advanced koi filter available, part of the award winning Nexus range from Evolution Aqua. Note delivery may take longer than usual as it has to be delivered on a pallet due to the size of the item. Please call us to discuss your order. Please read PDFs below for more information about this product....Read More...»»

No further specification information available

  • The latest and most advanced koi filter available, part of the award winning Nexus range from Evolution Aqua. Note delivery may take longer than usual as it has to be delivered on a pallet due to the size of the item. Please call us to discuss your order. Please read PDFs below for more information about this product.....from Pondkeeper
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